Our Markets
Our professionals are trusted partners for important programs across the federal government. Duty First Consulting (DFC) provides strategic solutions, operational insights, and enhanced efficiency to implement and improve the programs that millions of Americans rely on in three primary areas.
Health and Healthcare
The cost and quality of care along with the availability and affordability of health insurance are some of the biggest challenges in America today. DFC has extensive expertise in the Health Insurance Marketplace, Medicare, and value-based care initiatives and recognizes how they are reshaping the healthcare landscape. We are passionate about providing insights to help our clients make data-driven decisions, collaborating to identify and implement strategic solutions, and supporting the behind-the-scenes processes that help Americans access coverage or care. Our experts have a deep understanding of how to research and operationalize policy, communicate and engage with stakeholders, leverage data and analytics to drive decisions, conduct quality assurance and promote compliance with rules and regulations, and collaborate with technical teams to support system-based solutions.
DFC recognizes that high-quality affordable housing has a positive influence on the quality of life and health outcomes for occupants, particularly for low-income families. That’s why ensuring access to affordable housing is important to DFC and our solutions help drive positive health outcomes and make it easier for families to use their resources on healthy food and pertinent medical care. We are extremely fortunate to have supported the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) over the last decade with its mission to “create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.” DFC’s expertise for housing programs covers strategic planning, business process reengineering, process management, strategic communications and research, human capital management, performance management, and information technology.
Helping HUD Make Public Housing Safe for Families Organizational Assessment for HUDs Office of Housing
Veterans and Military
As a service-disabled veteran-owned small business (SDVOSB), DFC is intimately familiar with the commitment and sacrifice of our Servicemembers and Veterans. DFC shows its respect and gratitude through personal and professional means. We have historically worked with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) on multiple projects simultaneously. The subject matter has ranged from improving processes within Veteran care at hospitals to monitoring customer service in the greater VA. We continue to strive to better the experience for our Veterans and Servicemembers in all of the work we do at DFC and our company routinely takes time to volunteer in support of Veteran and Servicemember organizations through our GIVE program.